Fast computer-controlled measurement data acquisition with ADwin hardware
Select the system according to your requirements:
The ADwin product families differ in performance as well as in the number of inputs and outputs. Click here to download our Product Overview (
pdf, 910 kB).
Working efficiently with ADwin software
- ADbasic: The development environment for all ADwin systems
- ADsim: Makes your Simulink® model run on ADwin
- ADtools: The popular tools for easy operation
- ADwin Services: We provide turnkey software solutions with comfortable user interfaces
We help you to cope with difficult applications and we provide our knowledge to develop up-to-date solutions. Customized trainings in accordance with your applications are also available for the whole area of measurement, open and closed-loop control techniques.
Use our supportive ADwin Software

ADwin-Pro II: Flexible and modular

ADwin-Pro II :
Flexible and modular

ADwin-Gold III :
Fast and versatile

ADwin-X-A20 :
For small and large series