Controlling processes with ADinspect

ADinspect displays data arrays
ADinspect displays data arrays

ADinspect is an independent Windows program with which you can directly access the data, variables and functions of the ADwin systems and display and also change them in various forms. The simple evaluation of data (limit values, calculation, comparison) is also possible..

The intuitive control elements can be grouped on tabs with simple instructions so that you can quickly create a suitable interface for every application..
Of course, the simple user interface also allows loading and controlling of ADwin processes.

ADinspect is included in every ADwin software package free of charge.

Faster development with ADtools

ADtools Oberfläche The ADtools consist of self-contained Windows applications providing you direct access to the data, variables and functions of the ADwin systems. Each of the ADtools objects provides comfortable and separate set up of its parameters and calibration values. The ADtools are free of charge and are shipped with every ADwin Software Package.

Right from the start, ADtools give you full support in programming your ADwin system. The intuitive graphical operation considerably simplifies the implementation of your project. The displayed data can be saved to data files, directly imported into Excel, printed or exported to the clipboard in various graphic formats. You can save your customized ADtools arrangement into a configuration file.

The versatility of ADtools:

  • ADwin real-time operating system transfer, loading / starting / stopping of real-time processes
  • Indication of the ADwin system resources, process timing, process management etc.
  • Graphical display of data sets as curve with functions for zooming, printing, saving, clipboard export, data export to Excel, value selection via mouse pointer etc.
  • Formattable numerical displays and input of single values
  • Analog instruments for value indication with colored data ranges
  • Parameter and limit value monitoring by LED indicator (continuous light / flashing)
  • Slider and potentiometer controls for graphical input
  • Continuous hard disk recording from ADwin FIFOs in binary or ASCII format with adjustable file size, automatic consecutive file numbering and definable file and column headers
  • ADtools project management, saving of customized arrangements in a configuration file
  • Binary and hexadecimal value indication, setting of single bits via "DIL switches"
  • Representation and input of strings for serial and bus communication

The operational possibilities of the ADtools are well suited for visualizing simple measurement tasks. More complex applications can be covered by your specific graphical user interface designed with Delphi, Visual Studio .NET or LabVIEW, DASYLab, MATLAB®, DIAdem etc.

ADtools contain:

  • TGraph
  • TProcess
  • TPar_FPar
  • TButton
  • TFifo
  • TString
  • TBin
  • TLed
  • TPoti
  • TMeter
  • TDigit
Several ADtools windows TGraph TPar_FPar
Several ADtools windows