The aim of waveform generation with ADwin is to produce signals as close as possible to the desired shape. The field of applications covers the whole range of automization, e.g.
Single or multichannel waveform generators are used to create periodic or transient analog and digital signals. Frequency, phase and offset can be adjusted online in a smooth way or a single step. Arbitrary waveforms may be generated by superposition of various base signals.
The numerically generated waveforms can either be output directly or used internally as setpoint values for digital closed-loop or open-loop controllers running simultaneously on the same ADwin system. Additionally, input signals can be acquired and evaluated at the same time for monitoring limit values.
Also complex controls can be set up by using the ADwin system capability of synchronously outputting multiple analog and digital signals on a time- or event-triggered base.
Of particular interest is the use of ADwin as adaptive signal generator allowing to redefine during online operation each signal property in dependency on the input values. The statement: "in principle, any waveform is possible" can be taken literally.
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