Online monitoring and condition-based maintenance

Online Monitoring
Online Monitoring of a Compressor

In process industry, the continuous online monitoring and condition-based maintenance of production critical machines gains more and more importance. Redundant equipment is increasingly replaced by modern, computer based data acquisition technology which leads to predictable maintenance and scheduled production downtimes.

A prerequisite for this approach is the continous data acquisition and evalutation by a remote stand-alone system. While detecting the exceeding of machine, plant or process specific limit values, the measurement system has to react immediately and generate a warning signal. Also, the connection to the production and office networks and to the process control system is an important criterion.

Remote data acquisition and visualization

Evaluation of an oscillating signal
ADwin systems are flexible and expandable and can be programmed with the easy-to-use real-time development tool ADbasic. Machine and process characteristics as well as the expertise of the plant operator can be easily transferred to the ADwin system. Via Ethernet and a graphical user interface, the current machine state can be visualized on various PCs in the company network. The information can be displayed e.g. by a traffic light indicator or a line chart.

The ADwin system can be connected to the process control system by analog and digital signals or by using serial interfaces and bus systems.

Continous evaluation of complex limiting values

The machine and plant limit values can be adjusted in the graphical user interface on the PC. Mulitiple machine states can be controlled and visualized by one user interface.

Threshold values
Detecting threshold values

Independently from the PC, the ADwin system assures:

  • Pre- and post-trigger functions
  • Data acquisition with angular and chronological synchronism
  • evaluation of angular segment or operation point dependent limit values also as combined conditions
  • data reduction by online calculation of condensed parameters

Machine diagnosis and early failure detection - the advantages

The continuous monitoring of production relevant equipment already delivers important information right after start-up. The integration of a machine into the production process clearly shows the repercussion of the operation conditions on the machine characteristics. Thus, the compliance with specified operating parameters can be evaluated immediately.

During production time, changes of the machine condition in correlation to the operating parameters can be recognized early. The display of condensed parameters or traffic light indicators allows a quick interaction of service teams. Maintenance work and downtimes can be scheduled and carried out in time. The success of maintenance activities or repairs becomes clearly visible.

ADwin is the window to your production plant.

Industries with ADwin

  • Automotive
  • Mechanical Engineering
  • Electrical Engineering
  • Laser & Electron Beam Control
  • Condition Monitoring
  • Research & Develpoment
  • Education and Training

Functions with ADwin

  • Intelligent Data Acquisition
  • Digital PID Feedback Control
  • Signal Generators: Sinus, Ramp, Noise, Sweep, Pulse, Step
  • Dynamic characteristics evaluation
  • Hardware-in-the-Loop
  • Digital Filtering
  • Complex Trigger Conditions
  • Min/Max, Average, RMS
  • Statistics, Correlations
  • Integrals, Derivatives
  • FFT, Amplitude and Phase Response