After all the years, ADwin hardware is still available for you, both reorders and hardware options.
ADwin-light-16 is designed as a cost-effective alternative for applications requiring only a limited number of inputs and outputs (e.g. OEM applications). The same SHARC-DSP is used as in the „bigger“ ADwin-Gold and ADwin-Pro I systems. High computing power is guaranteed.
With its compact metal enclosure the ADwin-Gold system can be used in various applications, either as desktop unit, in control enclosures, or with a notebook as mobile system. With the 12 V power supply in-vehicle measurements can easily be made.
ADwin-Pro I is the predecessor of the modular ADwin-Pro II system.
All modules of the classic are still available: processor modules, analog input / output modules, digital input / output modules, counter modules, interface modules for various buses, temperature measurement (active or passive), special modules.
The interface for the serial LS bus is the module HSM-24V; it provides 32 digital inuts/outputs for 24 V-levels.
You will find the various options in our product overview ( pdf, 930 kB)